Starting school in 2024?

Small child on first day of school

Enrol for Grade 0: 2024-2025

Enrolment for children that are ready to start school in August 2024 is now open.

Children that are born in 2018 are due to start school in August 2024. Contact the school to get more information and arrange for an enrolment interview. There is only a limited number of spaces available for Grade 0. Please read our Enrolment Policy to see which group your child is in and the criteria on how that is determined.

Places for Grade 0 for Group 1 and Group 2 families are offered primo September 2023. However, Group 1 places can be offered all year, if spots are available. If your child is in group 2, you must register by 29 October 2023. If there are more applicant than places, places will be decided by lottery. 


Spring School (før-skole børn)

Children that are to start school in August 2024 have the opportunity to jump start in the Spring School (før-skole) from the 1st April 2024.

Spring school is Lolland International School’s early school start program, otherwise known as ‘førskole’ in Danish. It runs from the 2nd April. The aim for Spring School is to give the children the best possible start to school by familiarising them with their new school setting, the people, and routines so they are ready for Grade 0 in August 2024. When children know and understand their surroundings, it gives them security and a sense of belonging.

Moving from day care/kindergarten/børnehave is a big step. The children will go from being the oldest back to being the youngest; they will move from an environment where they mostly get free choice of activities into one with more structure. In addition, our school is a bilingual school, so large portions of the day will be in Danish, English or both, and this could be something new. There will be a lot of new things to see and do, and change can be difficult, so we want to make this transition as smooth as possible. Follow the link to see a sample Spring School program, meet the important people running the program, and see some photos illustrating the various activities (Sample Spring School program PDF)